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Foto: J. H. Alpy v Prováns
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Foto: J. H. Alpy v Prováns
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Methods of work

Our creative philosophy:

• AČV MEDIALOG o. s. strives to use film practice to depict what rises directly from the heart of a human being.

• To describe, with the use of film language, feelings that many people are ashamed for: sensibility, need of love and understanding. Principle human element is emotion which is what our creators strive to find around themselves and which you can find yourselves, when precisely searching, in the surrounding world.

• We are aware that film language can in many cases distort reality, nevertheless we try to use the most authentic moments by using film montage and style to show the viewers the notion of beauty present even in things that doesn’t seem to be beautiful.

• For this purpose we will use all means that film language offers to us.

• In this way we retain the freedom of expression both in our thoughts (ideas) and creation.

• We came upon most of the film methods thanks to the freedom of creative expression (we were not bound by anything).

• We believe these ideals are accessible and understandable to everyone without difference.