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Foto: J. H. Alpy v Prováns
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Competition movies, 2013


Application form and proposition of VideoCulture Fest.

VideoCulture Fest 2013 is over.
We look forward to your movies in the next year.

Category 18+

[youtubegallery]Maikoland (reportage) • Danuše Kubátová|[/youtubegallery] [youtubegallery]Za Svatošem na Loket – Für Gottstein zu Loket (document) • Přemysl Časar |[/youtubegallery] [youtubegallery]Míjení (motion film) • Kateřina Šollarová|[/youtubegallery]
[youtubegallery]Cesta na Carnot (NONCOMPETITIVE, promotion reportage) • Students of AČV Medialog o.s.|[/youtubegallery] [youtubegallery]Návrat ztraceného syna (motion film) • Zdeněk Vévoda|[/youtubegallery] [youtubegallery]H.L.A.D. (animated film) • Milan Štajer and Lucie Heroutová|[/youtubegallery]
[youtubegallery]The Heart and the Number (motion film) • Bohemian Paradise Productions|[/youtubegallery] [youtubegallery]Coexistence (motion film) • Jakub Sládek |[/youtubegallery] [youtubegallery]PSYCHIC SUE (motion film) • Dave Lojek|[/youtubegallery]
[youtubegallery]L’Ours (motion film) • Ana Prodanova|[/youtubegallery] [vimeogallery]Tour of Mauritius (short movie clip) • EdgeTV|[/vimeogallery] [vimeogallery]”For Her’’ (short movie clip) • Bradley Stearn|[/vimeogallery]
[youtubegallery]I Know How You Feel (motion film) • Mdhamiri a Nkemi|[/youtubegallery] [youtubegallery]Vizionář (motion film) • Štěpán Etrych / Aquarius Pictures|[/youtubegallery] [youtubegallery]Nebezpečný zájezd (motion film) • Blues film|[/youtubegallery]
[youtubegallery]Writer´s Dream (motion film) • Koníček, Oravec, Pristáš, Kažimírová|[/youtubegallery] [youtubegallery]A brief introduction to the end of the world (document) • 7*noon – new media art|[/youtubegallery] [youtubegallery]Real Love (motion film) • ChaosFilm|[/youtubegallery]

Category under 18 years

[youtubegallery]Different (experimental) • Dominik Gyorgy|[/youtubegallery]
[youtubegallery]HRA (experimental) • StuBy video production|[/youtubegallery]