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Foto: J. H. Alpy v Prováns
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15. 11. 2012

– Derniere of the exhibition in Mirošov 2012

12. 11. 2012

– Photo Workshop Malovice in Střibro – GAWAfilm

6. – 7. 10. 2012

– Participation in the Amateur Humor Film Festival in an amateur movie “Tanvald” / HAF. The film won the nomination “Hokus Pokus“ Tr: Hanky Panky” from TS Večernice

2. 10. 2012

– Start of the course TS Večernice

27. – 30. 9. 2012

– First term for filming of a music video – „On the wings of young imagination” / TS Večernice / Project: Being young/ Být mlád – Jung zu sein / VideoCamp Tábor