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Foto: J. H. Alpy v Prováns
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5. – 7. 6. 2014

– We are going in the Mental Power festival with competition film named Král Vojta (King Vojta).

[youtubegallery]Král Vojta CZ|[/youtubegallery]

15. 5. 2014

– Results of international photo competition in Vienna, TS Večernice (creative group Vesper) was there. Jury chose 36 pictures out of almost 200 submissions.

One of successful photos was from TS Večernice, specifically from Marcela Klicperová with name: Víra mezi kořeny (Faith between roots).

Víra mezi kořeny

Faith between roots

Congratulations to Marcela.

9. 5. 2014

– We finished the film King Vojta. The film traces the Vojta’s career in every minute of integration in primary school until now.

[youtubegallery]King Vojta CZ|[/youtubegallery]

14. – 15. 3. 2014

– JUNIORFILM | Dvůr Králové nad Labem – compete with the film named Whirling dance

[youtubegallery]Whirling dance|[/youtubegallery]