In the last decade questions relating to technical communication media and the educational process have been acquiring ever greater prominence and urgency. The problem does not lie in the diffusion oj the new media, but in the question oj how we ourselves should approach this open, contradictory spce, where the influences oj authors and users, amateurs and proJessionals, and chosen and unchosen communication situations, all intersect and mix. ft is beneficial Jor every individual to be helped to develop an ability to use and exploit the new possibilties so that his or her interest does not stop at the meTe entertainment level, but evolves in the direction oj critical thinking, saturation oj “emotional potential”, the development oj creative activity, and the enlargement oj ideas and knowledge. The symbiosis oj technical media and the independent creative engagement oj every person, in our case people with mental disability, appears to be one oj the paths to his or her Jormation and development regardless oj his or her (non)otherness in the contemporary world. Courses in creative video film and digital photography are concrete realisations of this idea.
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Foto: Jaroslav Hollitzer Tábor Betlém, Tř. 9. května
Foto: Jaroslav Hollitzer Tábor Betlém, Tř. 9. května